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25 May 2018
jawaberlin and xiaoluaren
Femininity in transformation
Masculine energy and power
Feminine energy and power
Introversion, shy - behavior - what does it mean?
Does the context of society determine how we perceive ourselves?
Does society force us into a certain behavior and way of thinking? Does it determine how we want to be?
Who we can be? Which self-reflections we have?
Who and what brings out the truth of ourselves?
During our lifetime we are confronted with certain experiences and emotions - these experiences form our personalities - year by year we are covering our true self with more and more layers - we add one after the other - we learn how society expects us to react -
at a certain point we understand it doesn’t make sense to hide our true selves or react as society expects of us or to concede to a perceived general opinion - at this point we understand we have to stand out - we have to show who we really are, although we will be confronted with a lack of understanding.
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