16 December 2016
Horror Vacui + Jump
Horror Vacui (horror of emptiness) is the hypothesis that the nature in front of empty spaces „shrink
back“. Therefore, empty spaces are anxious to suck gas or liquids, so they no longer be empty.
ist eine Kollaboration mit Hannah Murgatroyd und behandelt das Abwesende oder die Angst vor der
JUMP was a project of the group FS8 on the 31th of May and 1 June 2008 in the context of „Arts
Invasion“ of Berlin Art Gallery FS8 was an interdisciplinary group: artists from the visual arts, painting,
performance, graphic design and architecture had come together to make strategic spatial interventions.
The collected material of an intervention will be shown in a new way.
16 September, 2016
Kollektiv Kickoff
A celebration of Baustelle's beginning as a collective. A group of artists working from Baustelle will host a series of events, workshops and exhibitions. With a 2-window installation by Australian artist Melissa Carey many thanks to Hirtenstock ManuFaktura for lending their neighboring window!
http://www.qm-ganghofer.de/ live music by Monstruo - Kevin Ryan + Giovanni Verga feat - Monika Berstis - playing songs from their upcoming album!
16 September, 2016
Kollektiv Kickoff
A celebration of Baustelle's beginning as a collective. A group of artists working from Baustelle will host a series of events, workshops and exhibitions. With a 2-window installation by Australian artist Melissa Carey many thanks to Hirtenstock ManuFaktura for lending their neighboring window!
http://www.qm-ganghofer.de/ live music by Monstruo - Kevin Ryan + Giovanni Verga feat - Monika Berstis - playing songs from their upcoming album!
24 - 26 June, 2016
Woven Trajectories
part of 48 Stunden Neukölln 2016
Each artist who has exhibited at Studio Baustelle in the last five years was invited to contribute an unfinished artwork or a sketch for an artwork and, in turn, to invite a colleague to exhibit a piece, filling the exhibition room with ideas-in-progress. These pieces are exhibited as artifacts of working methods and trajectories of desire. They can be built upon, re-contextualized, misunderstood, or marveled over in their fertile state. Artists and festival visitors are encouraged to discuss, expand upon and be inspired by these nascent ideas.
Alisa Tretau, Annalisa Metus, Anne Krauß, Barbara Rosenthal, Charlotte Perrin, Edward McAliece, Elsa Thorp, Filippo Cortado, Fox Italic, Friederike Hammann, Ginta Vasermane, Immo Eyser, Janin Walter, Justin Allen, Katinka Theis, Kevin Ryan, Leo Jahaan, Margherita Pevere, Matt Arbuckle, Matthias Wiese, Maxwell Duryea, Michael Bennett, Monika Berstis, Nam Nguyen, Robert Gaspard, Sena Clara Creston, Sofie Engström von Alten, Steffen Kasperavicius and friends
10. - 12. Juni, 2016
Ja! Produktion präsentiert:
Essen & Sex: SWEET PEEP SALON presents:
Strange desires to see and buy!
Tasty rubbing, frying, feeding!
Relaxed peeping in comfy booths!
Shameless mixtures of fiction and reality, Lust and frustration, food and sex!
Of all the female* sins, hunger is the least forgivable; hunger for anything, for food, sex, power,
education, even love. If we have desires, we are expected to conceal them, to control them, to keep
ourselves in check. We are supposed to be objects of desire, not desiring beings. (L. Penny,
Unspeakable Things)
Essen und Sex: SWEET PEEP SALON seeks alternative expressions of body, eroticism and
emancipated femininity. How do feminist, sexpositive ideas change contemporary depictions of intimacy
and the body? Which substantial notions of sexuality do we have to rethink?
May 26 - 28, 2016
Janin Walter & Tosh Leykum
Das Ihmezentrum steht für Vision, Risiko, Experiment und Ratlosigkeit. Ein Elefant in der Stadt, der
seinen eigenen Rythmus vorgibt. Lasst euch ein, dann taucht auch ihr.
May 21 - 22, 2016
Ginta Vasermane
Working Frames "In non-narrative videos I compose and choreograph theatrical-performative scenes, which play with
relationships between bodies, architecture, the space of the frame and their limits and elasticity (expansion). While setting up human bodies both in architectural space and in the space of the frame as sculptural elements, I stage an existence with its own logic and rules. Movements are composed in a specific rhythm and become irrational and possible at the same time. The arrangements of body positions are expressive of, and play with, the inner conditions of an observer placed in diverse social conditions, spaces and structures.
With light irony and poetic methods I play with a subject through staged scenarios. There’s a questioning of who we are and what we do in specific locations.
All the videos are connected to each other in order to create a narrative network, and are to be set up in a multi-channel installation in the space."
March 4 - 5, 2016
ESSEX - Essen und Sex Essen und Sex treffen direkt die Schamzonen unseres Körpers. Was eigentlich
Lust verschaffen soll, kann schnell in Frust umschlagen.
Mit ESSEX stellen wir uns unseren Peinlichkeiten - in einem leicht perversen Happening mischen wir
Warhol mit Wein und Performance mit Party. Ein Geburtstagskind im Fotoautomat lädt ein, ihre Banane
zu bemalen, ein anderes serviert Drinks aus der Badewanne.
Mit Performances von Johanna Ackva, Carrie McIlwain, Alisa TretauFotografien und Video: Caglar Cakan, Alisa Tretau
Installation/Automat: Marvin Horstmann
Musikalisch begleitet von Barbara Salesch DJ Team
February 12 - 19, 2016
50 Surreal Photos from Wish for Amnesia
Studio Baustelle presented the second exhibition of surreal photography by the New York avant-garde
artist-writer-performer, Barbara Rosenthal. The show comprises 50 eerie, magical, color and black and
white photos from between the chapters of her new novel, “Wish for Amnesia.”
(Deadly Chaps Press: Bklyn, USA)
Claudio Scardino of Florence, Italy provided an ambient audio environment composed of diverse sound
samples. Scardino hosted Ms. Rosenthal for the international booklaunch of this novel, and curated
several of her readings and video events in Italy in 2015. Mr. Scardino is a musician and sculptor.
Rosenthal's novel pivots around a character with a messianic complex. The book, which takes place in
New York and Rome, explores many philosophical and visual phenomena through its zany characters:
Jack Rubin, a political activist; his psychotic wife, his genius daughter; his artist girlfriend; and a
nefarious Rome taxi driver.
Here you'll find more information about the artist and musician: