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December 13 - 16, 2014




Diplomausstellung von Johanna Warm

The exhibition shows photofit pictures produced by artist Johanna Warm according to schizophrenics'

descriptions of their internal voices.

These narrations create visual profiles of the voices which, in some cases, accompany their host

throughout their entire life. They can be experienced objectively for the first time and find their way into

alleged "reality".

October 10 - November 1, 2014


Tone, Sculpt, Stretch, Shape, Pump Mit Sam Schonzeit!

Sam Schonzeit

An exhibition of fitness art with personal and small group training sessions offered in and from the gallery


a r e c e n t v i d e o > > >

from in which Sam was profiled in a feature on 5 people in the Marfa arts community

Artist Sam Schonzeit has over the past year taught children ages 5-14 gym classes in the ever fashionable art burg of Marfa, Texas. He has taken years of yoga classes, gone to the gym compulsively, and injured himself in any number of sports. Does this qualify him as a fitness instructor? No! But he will lead classes in very gentle exercises and games utilizing nothing more than existing props in the gallery, the neighboring streets and parks and his and your desires and ingenuity. Specializing in lazy classes for

lazy people. Personal training and classes by appointment throughout October beginning October 11.

June 27 - 29, 2014


DON'T BE AFRAID; 48 Stunden Neukölln


Performance with Jackie whisper

and live painter Sofie Engström von Alten

with an installation by Erasmus de Aros

curated by Camille Moreno

In 2008 the economic collapse threatened the financial security of millions of people. The Occupy Wall

Street Movement was the organized reaction of countless souls trying to regain a sense of control. A loss

of security caused fear, whose negative energy can be transformed positively into courage. Described by

Hemingway as "grace under pressure", courage in a moment of crisis, is the vessel for heroic

accommodation of new unforeseen circumstances. Selected artists present pieces and performances

created around their personal interpretations of "DON'T BE AFRAID" in the present day context.

June 6, 2014




Kevin Ryan

June 6, 2014




Kevin Ryan

16. January 2014


Window 003: Climatic Glow


PVA on glass by

Leo Jahaan

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